воскресенье, 25 октября 2009 г.

Benefit Competition Winners

Monday - blah. Four more days til Friday. Not to anxiety, we’ve got some Benefit goodies winging their way to four charmed competition winners. Congrats to: Elizabeth McCann - Dublin 8, Monica Pataki - Dublin 4, Sarah Dunne - Dublin 9 and Tara Murphy - Dublin 9. Your Bad Gal mascara, Lip Directly and Lemon Aid are en route!

четверг, 22 октября 2009 г.

The Cellulite Challenge 2

It’s authentic. I’m a total convert to the Meditech impugn - and it’s only my second treatment. Today I had a mini-ultrasound sesh for my pins followed by a 40-in stylecellulite wrap. Peculiarity knowing the stats? Of process you do! I lost 14.5 cms in one day! That’s 8.7 cms off my formerly larboard thigh and 5.4 from my straight off - including top, mid and bottom measurements. If I coop up toning at thisgauge, I’ll have reached Klum-like nirvana. Bewail... The challenge continues.

четверг, 8 октября 2009 г.

The Cellulite Challenge

Abide Friday marked the end of my principal week on the Meditech dispute. After Wednesday’s trojan failure of 14.5 cms, I had little expections for besides loss. Surprisingly, I mislaid another 2 cms. What this all equates to is 1.5 inches off the widest in most cases of each thigh in one week and butter nonchalant skintone. To help along the deal with, I’ve cut down to one cup of coffee per day and acceptbeen drinking a requisite 2 litres of unworkable per day. I’m still very weary but that’s the toxins suppress taking their commit. I wish the pesky building guests would go straight away as I’m fairly knackered. Looking advance to Monday - my second masses wrap - and timely as I am attending the opera at CullodenTrading estate that evening. LBD here we upon!